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How Did We Get Here? 

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The Shelby Center was formed in honor of our sweet daughter, niece, sister, fiancé, and friend, Shelby Raye Sloan Whitten. Shelby passed away suddenly early in 2018 of a brain hemorrhage. She was 22 years old, Seth's twin, big sister to Jackson and Levi, and just weeks away from graduating from Sam Houston State University. She was full of life and that life was fueled by a passion for Jesus Christ and for people. Shelby loved everyone and never met a stranger. Above all, she loved God, wanted to serve Him, and wanted others to know Him. If there is anything that could be learned from Shelby's life, it is that one person CAN make a difference. 

​In the months after her passing, many of her friends and family entered into a relationship with Jesus and we want to continue her legacy of spreading the love of Jesus and helping people really know Him. Really knowing Jesus brings freedom and peace in a world of chaos and hopelessness! It is with that goal that we minister to young women who have lost their way. I hope you will join us in this effort. 


Our Backgrounds

Tami has been in ministry for over 30 years as Pastor's wife, Bible Teacher, and Biblical Counselor/Mentor. She serves on the Board for The Shelby Center and is the Executive Director for Lydia's Place, a home for women in crisis in the Magnolia, Texas area. Tami is also certified to offer pre-marital counseling through SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts). She has an undergraduate degree in Communications from Louisiana Baptist University and is nearing completion of a Master's Degree in Christian Counseling. Tami is married to David and they just celebrated 35 years of marriage! They have two sons, two daughters-in-law, and four granddaughters. 


Stacey has been in ministry, as well, for many years. She has a Bachelor Degree in Biblical Studies, is certified through Mercy Multiplied to use their Counseling Materials, and is a credentialed Chaplain. Currently, she is serving in her local GriefShare chapter, regularly offers support to others in the throes of grief. In addition, she owns her own business and has three sons, one daughter in Heaven, two grandkids!!


- Founders, Stacey Whitten-Lucia, Mom, and Tami Kennedy, Aunt

Our Vision.  To see young people living each day with passion and purpose, fully surrendered to Christ and free of bondage. To see families living together in healthy, functional relationships. 

Our Mission. To love the young people through their unique difficulties. To provide an environment that fosters emotional and spiritual healing.  
What We Do. We offer resources to families crisis situations. 

Please contact us for more detailed information. 



Founded by Stacey Whitten and Tami Kennedy, The Shelby Center exists to serve young women, ages 14-17. We offer a home and help through difficult life circumstances.  

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T: 281.256.5294 (text or call)


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